Thursday, 24 July 2014
Last few years...
I'm surprised someone remembered this blog's URL... don't know who you are, but thanks for remembering.. and you will likely be one of the rare audiences here... like I mentioned, I don't want too many people to read what I write...
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
I am BACK!
This space was abandoned for the last 4 years...I believe most of you (or should I say all of you) no longer visit this space...
I missed writing in my personal space and I've decided to come back and rantrantrantrant once more...
Meanwhile, I need to do some housekeeping and recondition the space... if you happen to read this... thank you for popping by (appreciates lotx)
See you soon.
Collin, theplainwater aka [-h2o-]
Monday, 10 May 2010
Monday, 8 March 2010
Life is Full of Surprises
January: I tried to avoid all celebrations... i realised the only way to make myself feel everyday is the same and wont feel different is to make it a normal day, dont celebrate... but i made an exception for BS cos he organised it months ahead - my advanced birthday dinner with BS, Lion, Ms A, A-Linn, Carebear Haze, and 'Aunty' Angel... I know it will break Miss J's heart to just reject the dinner and just went home, but i did... i had to do it even if im unwilling to see you disappointed... Nevertheless, i can feel that u tried to move on, and i dont want to let anything hold u back... maybe i shouldnt even say here... but i am certain now your life is happier with your friends and maybe someone special already...anyway its 2 months ago... i am cold-hearted maybe, but i dont want to be a heart-breaker...
had a successful district retreat and planning session organised in JB, with help of Triston, and the supporting staffs to execute the plan with me.. single-handedly planned it with Triston's advices, and this event positioned me better in the district, at least people are more accepting... and the existing managers were praising me and giving me toasts for the effort... my 1st time in life to down 1 can of beer in within 5 mins... thereafter, was made to drink more... i am a lousy drinker, 2 n half cans and i was KO... i dont like to drink, but that night was really happy and had to give these managers face, so drank and drunk... vomited all over the toilets basin and toilet bowl... slept in toilet-shower room till 2 guys cant to help me out and back to our chalet unit... slept till 3-4am then woke up chit chatted with a few people till they all slept, all beds and floor were occupied, hence i went to sleep in my car till morning...
Recruited my 1st consultant, Salma... thereafter convinced 2 others... but later somethings happened and gone... left with Salma, and i was super busy with appts, coaching and recruitment... Super packed January...
Someone made used of me, which made me totally not interested... but i was still nice to do the favour to my best... spent a day and had fun (minus the unhappiness of the person's behaviour)... so disappointed... luckily i never really put myself into anything...
i just want to be single for as long as i really meet someone understanding, and on top of that having my career stablise... time is already so precious in the busy period, i dont wanna waste it on certain people...
February: Busy schedule continues till CNY... wanted to work but wasn't being occupied, so went out to alot of places... Saw that 'Pigs' - lunar zodiac, has a good year ahead... being in bad luck for a few years, i am pleased to know i will have a good year ahead... think somethings when something is going to happen, i cant avoid it... especially when its an opportunity.... i was in a dilemma but i went on for it... i hope it can blossom into something 'S'pecial...
relatively happy february after cny...maximised my time well; accompanied salma to appointments, provided all the trainings i can give and planned how to run the activities management for my team... my agency will have a unique difference from the rest... i will make it happen in the most positive way... i lost quite a lot of time for recruitment.. but it was worthwhile, becos Salma achieved her DD Award and was top 5 consultant in my district for month of February...
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Im just feeling emo... I tried to bottle it for quite awhile... now, its just one of those opportunities to release...
I thought I would be thinking less, if i strive at work... but still no matter how busy, there will still be times like now... im falling ill... hoping to have some care... looking at happy faces, i'll feel sad... looking at happy faces, i'll oso feel sad... how will i be happy?
i really have no idea how to spend festive... I really dont know who is the one i wanna spend with... even if i hate to be alone, i will still rather be alone... pls dont attempt to ask me out... i'll probably will say im going out with friends...
To those that i care for, please be happy... and i will be happy for you... hopefully...
i am really sad... i dont care how you view me... i just wanna say im sad...
Thursday, 24 December 2009
2 Months of Changes
Its been 2 months in my new company... Things are generally going smoothly... Challenges were all over the 2 months... But im staying positive about the outlook of my future here... Now, an Associate Agnecy Leader, im aiming to be Associate District Manager in 6 months time instead of 12 months... Recruitment is still my forte, with just 3 days of recruitment, i've found my number team member, day 4, i found my number 2 and a potential 3... Now i truly believed people in the past joined because of my convincing and sharing... My Goal is to have 20 team members within a year, and to clinch the Top Recruiter, Top New Unit Supervisor Awards... It will be beyond your imagination how much i want success and how far im thinking...
I rather be all alone if I dont have a successful career...
Almost 1 year of singlehood, the ups and downs over these few months in relationship and career, really made me a better person...
I'm not able to write frequently... not only because i'm busy, but im just unable to write my feelings down... i really rather write as an anonymous... i just prefer to keep things with myself... let ppl assume as much as they want... I know myself the best will do... although it sucks to be misunderstood and not getting the necessary attention...
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Disappearing memories..
With geocities.com closing... my homepage: The Sea Of Stars, that i've created years ago will be disappearing too... those memories, hardwork will go gone soon... wont be saving, too many things to save... really cant imagine that day to come... want to see visit The Sea of Stars? click on the link by the side...
Friday, 16 October 2009
I think I...
After you invested, you will have feelings... no matter how long or what happens...
Things happen for a reason... even if im missing certain past... it is a fact that things are different...
sad... but who knows what will happen in future... the only thing i can do, is to continue moving on and find out...
For friends who were not informed... I declare that I've resigned from Prudential officially... one of the toughest choices i've made and this event joins the few major changes in 2009 - the rollercoaster year...
Its been 2 weeks since tendering my letter of resignation, and had completed my 2 weeks notice... it was a surprise decision... i shocked myself and some people... as mentioned in my letter, i regret that my decision somehow short change my clients, in terms of the promise of commitment and service....but i'm glad some of you are standing on my side, cheering and supporting me...thank you! i've given them the assurance that i'll still be the one they can look for, should there be any events of misfortunate happen...
there's nothing much i wanna talk about why i made this decision... i just wanna move on... the experience that i've accumulated over the 2 years, made me a different person... i dont want to waste the effort and experience i have, thus i am still going to continue my quest in financial planning... there are a few offers that made me feel recharged and at least appreciated once again... I am taking my time to look around, hopefully things will be better in 2010...
Friday, 9 October 2009
Left Right or?
I made another difficult decision in 2009... another big reset of my life... but as I was relatively sure about my next move, I was enlightened of certain reality... Suddenly im lost again...
Saturday, 29 August 2009
This guy stole my identity... haha...this guy here also wanna associate to water, he is WATERMAN! he is really good~! meaningful cute songs singing daily kind acts, environmental convservation, and drinking water...
Im impressed with the company's marketing team... a guy in hero's tight-fitting costume singing 'heroic' songs... Save the Earth! Save our Environment! He is also doing alot of charity works, looks like he is doing what i wanna do... feel like joining him... i am [-h2o-]!
here are some mv clips... enjoy... :)
Yes I Do!
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Super Random Message to All
I'm not victimisting myself, neither have i been making myself look pitiful... In the first place, its all guessing and assumptions.. I am not the sort that will do things for selfish purposes or expect things in return.. there are things i just want it to be kept to myself.. And I MEAN to myself, dont even wanna speak about it..
I knew there are there something wrong these days... i admired those who can play the 'game' well... im not interested in playing k... Somehow, im just curious about what were talked and how some of you are starting to think of me... I think its better we mind our own business la... i do welcome cares and concerns, but not busybody-talk, if u like do that, i can recommend you to SPH to become a reporter... please spare a thought for me (oh im wrong, to detractors, i guess u dont know how to) some things said will only make things worse, dont scare people away from me (fine, to those who genuinely wanna do damage on me) shit... i dont know what the hell lor.. can we reset everything...? i know in some of your lives, there's no such person like me, too nice to be true? haha i am thinking too highly of myself, but hey its a fact that i am nice, and dont take things for granted! you are only killing the nice spirit in me to become a devil...bad news for you, i am still upholding my morals and belief... nobody can make me believe in what i dont believe in... however, you want to interpret this entry, i dont care le, cos some damages were done and what is there to lose anymore...?
if you care, give me a call, ask me out, talk to me, listen to me...
its funny how people doubt my intentions, i just innocently wanna help for example people who needs financial planning, they can protectively think i wanna sell things... its not purely these people's fault ba... cos i have some lousy FCs around me who laughed at how stupid i am not to sell products that bring most commission.. im like what-the-hell, sad for those who bought from them... but its sad lah... people still like to go to them... the world is unfair, how on earth can a little effort i do change the world? i am super naive... argh~ never mind, continue buying from them ba... let me die from the trade... its a ridiculous world... i only wanna a hao ren!! can god be nice to me...? now i know why good people die early, cos the air is polluted, the world is filled with evil...
having headaches again these day, somehow wishing that its a tumour in head... if the world is so evil, please make my wish come true... haha... hahahahahaha... i wont seek treatment, but please give me good signals before i know i have it (at least 9 months to 1 year) can buy more insurance on me for my family...
Hao Ren
Monday, 10 August 2009
Singout09 Grand Finals
What a day! After so many months, the Grand Finals finally came, and I'm happy to be able to host the entire competition from QF1 to Grand Finals. Got to know more acqaintances and some new friends along the way. Everyone says that Singout09's contestants are better than Singout08's, i do agree in terms of performance's standard. I'm impressed with some of the contestants's star quality.
I have to say again, I'm grateful to be given the chance to host round after round. After all, I'm not a student of MS, and the fact that there are so many talented students. I have to really thanks those people who were supportive of me hosting the show. I really need those support, because they are motivations and encouragements to me. Alot of things happened along the way, sometimes, I had to sacrifice some work-related things to go for rehearsal and had some conflict with some people at work, and the many parking coupons i teared, the few parking summons, and other shits that happened turned me off at times. However, everytime when i see people laughed, smiled and like my hosting, everything was worth it... Many asked if i'm paid, and when i said no, they will ask why still take the task... To me its a good learning experience and good exposure for myself. At least after hosting Singout09, i know about why people like about my hosting and what are the things i need to improve on... Thanks to some of the praises and some constructive suggestion and sincere comments.
Also thanks for giving me the Best Host Award - i know its an extra effort and surprise, the committee prepared for me... I appreciate it... :)
I'm giving myself 70/100 for the finals. I did eat quite a lot of screws here and there thru-out the show, and my stress management has lots of room for improvement. Overall, i think my language ability, humour and natural way of hosting were the plus points, and i did receive some good comments, and credits. I like the chemistry me and Zhuming built along the way. Zhuming was stable and more calm than i am, he was able to deliver his word well.
Congrats to all finalists! You are all winners! Nobody went back with nothing after all~ :)
Look forward to the upcoming post Singout09 gathering and Singout2010!
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Untitled entry
This week, half of it is going to preparation for Singout09 finals... I've got quite alot of information and advertising script to deliver on the finals.. I'm glad to host the finals, making it a combo from Quarters-finals to Semi-finals and now... Grand Finals! Have to really thanks MS and the committee in placing their trust in me.. The hosting experience thru-out Singout09 was great! I had the flexibility in my speech even though sometimes i tend to be politically wrong! :p Thats my style in hosting, i guess.. Some contestants from the open group(senior citizens) praised me for my hosting, and I'm flattered. Im also happy to be able to mingle around with the contestants, cos i feel that interaction between hosts and ppl in the show is one of the most impt element to the success of the show... We can communicate better on stage with the extra understanding of individual's character... Anyway, all the best to the finalists!
Recently also completed the series of singing giggs for heartland events. Am also happy to have the chance to perform, thanks to XL Laoshi for making the arrangements. Most of the crowd i sang to were kids and senior citizens who were there to wait for lucky draw. Haha... not there to listen to me lah... some kids were running here and there... but i did my best to catch their attention with my singing and the much-complaint talking... i was complaint to talk too much... yup, i talk alot lah, but thats just because my heart is there to perform, to hype the crowd, not to sing and go... nevertheless, its also not good to talk too much... have to admit im a long-winded uncle... anyway, out of the 4 shows, im most happy with the last one at Teban Gardens, probably because I feel that the 3rd one was not up to my expectation plus the complaints... Good thing to end it with a high note, too bad i didnt video the good memories down... Actually..still got praises from some ppl at the giggs also, but they normally wont make it official...Collin has an inbuilt self-reflecting software, i know myself what i didnt do well, what i did... thats what experiences are for, yeah... i'll remind myself to be better.. :)
Life is always fair in some way its unfair... becos when we get some thing in life, we lose some thing else too; when we have some advantages, we'll also have some disadvantages... to be frank, im still stuck in tight financial situation, and i think it will continue for at least another 5 months, even if sales is better... i really hope i can pull-thru this by-far my worse time of life... im dreaming of ppl around me asking to pay this and that... nitemares! its tormenting my mental health at times... the other thing that is relatively bothering me more these day is abt something i wont say... haha... this sentence is so Collin... write here but dont want to tell... i just have to say im sad... really sad... i seriously doubt it was a result of over-thinking and over-sensitivity... cos there's alot of contrast from previous and now...and I dont know what to do... to tell or not to tell, to do or not to do... i really dont know what to believe, what not to...think for now, i'll just go by my instincts that i shld not disturb ur life, by keeping our lines parallel with some distances apart...
think im over relying on lyrics/poem writing to vent my tsunami of thoughts and emotions... cos there is really an increase in my hydro-nonsenses... thats all folks.. im evaporating... condense again next time...
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Choices & Paths...
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
By the time i logged in... i start to hesitate...
There was things just better off being kept a secret, and never be said...
or maybe i need a diary... a secret diary...
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Bus Trip

I need a restart!
Things are totally going all wrong in life... nothing seem to work properly... where am i now? where should i head? questions after questions...
i was leaning on 1 pillar, 1 last pillar...it gave way and i fell... the last pillar couldnt give me enough strength to rebuild my 2 other pillars and it let me down when i needed it most...
on the floor now, people ignore me, people see me as trouble, people see me as a loser, im alienated... a simple smile, a simple help, a simple encouragement means a million to me...
im glad there are still some people who gave me warmth smiles when im feeling down, im surprised because they are people not close at all - not even friends; just acqaintances...
im glad i do still have support from some people around me - friends that have a place for me in their hearts...
some people kept telling me to reject, to learn to say no, not to be too nice to people...maybe they are right... its good to keep a distance from people... since being nice to people around me will only make me more sad when i needed them most... maybe i should reverse the my way of doing things to at least make me less prone to disappointments... why do i have to always think that im just oversensitive, and not you people being not sharp enough or simply insensitive... i hate making myself a sinner, making myself feel im the wrong one... really!! why is it always my fault and never your fault? so what if things are perfect, how perfect things can be, how long? Collin, why cant you see that the society can never be perfect... you are insane, and making yourself an alien...
no no no no no....maybe i should just slowly, subtlely move away from people who dont believe in me, people who thinks otherwise of me, and people who are 'ugly' in my honest eyes... its okay if you dont believe in what i see, what i feel... i have to move on... i have to move on...
I seriously dont understand what's wrong with what i've done for myself and for people around me... i treat everyone the best that i can be... i actually enjoyed being mr nice guy... but the way things are happening it seems like im not allowed to be one... im sort of being punished to be nice... is this fair? is this fair really fair?
im battling with myself, the devil in within... i am weak... so weak now... i need to divert my thoughts away from the devil... im begging myself to be stronger.... i want to move on, move on! arGH~~~~~!
im adding an additional explanation to why im related to water; water has a kind of perservance in nature, how it cuts rocks into valleys, changes coastlines... these are all results of water's perservance... i need perservance, more perservance in future...
i really dont know what im writing... i dont know why i cant sleep properly... im trying hard to sleep as early as 11pm (far earlier than my usual 3-4am or evening 6-7am).. but i simply just wake up in the middle of night from either nightmares or headaches...
i need to sleep
i need believes
i need money
i need hugs
i need real friends
i need appreciation
i need myself to be sober
i need a restart!
Monday, 6 July 2009
I tried to sleep early, and once again i couldnt sleep well and woke up from a nightmare! I am seriously troubled... can I just end my life here, since it doesnt really matter to many... the one whom i will hate most will only be my mum.... ah... !!!!!!! if its not for mummy, i think i murdered myself long ago...
Earlier, It was a bad day... I can cover sadness, cover worries, cover feelings...but never happen for ANGER! I'm angry... Yes, I think it was my wrong-doing on stage, but I really dont think it needed to end this way, making all arrows and faces aiming on me and the keyboardist...
All these people think of is face face face, reputation reputation.... you have your reputable to uphold, i dont have? Why must it end up to be both of us getting the backlash, and be the scapegoats.... And I hate it even more that, there are hypocrites among us... and i totally hate it to make it the 'headlines' and gave them an opportunity to score... fuck up! Seriously, even if it wasnt a perfect performance, if 'miss fiery' could just simply let the set to complete... i dont think it would look as bad as you thought... by taking way other's chance to performance and putting the blames on the earlier performers, will only divert the negative thinking on the scapegoats...
Seriously, im a gone-case lah... im facing the biggest mid-20s crisis! career suck big time, passion also suck big time...?? im 25 and accomplished nothing...! Am I too myself? or people these days are difficult to work with...? ok, lets blame it on me ba..! i was putting up a freaking stupid act to not let the group sink into sadness...
how do you expect the group to eat and laugh when it happened this way? how? how? Miss Fiery, I hope you understand that we appreciate the chances and your time... but sometimes, you just do things without thinking also...!!! And, I am not the sort that like to act infront of you la... if you are blind, and like to be surrounded by actors... I am simply not those la... even if im a freaking good actor, I dont feel like acting... cos deep down i know it wont work.... it doesnt matter to me if i'll still be in the team or not... i dont think i have any choice, even though i really love to perform.. I really dont know how to be fake lor, AGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i really hate myself hate my life.... why is it so screwed? i am really tired of living... give it to someone else more deserving ba...
Sir devil asked: "Collin Chan, why not you kill youself in a way whereby it looks like an accident...? at least it wont look as if you let down on your mum..."
part of my new 'lyrics':
我持续加速, 像是与死神招手
风持续变大, 刺进骨里刺进心里
刘海遮住了眼, 也掩饰了泪水
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Outdoors Promotion Campaign @ Orchard Road
On 25th June, we invaded Orchard Road with Miaoru's singing and music...
They chased...and they distributed....
We walked to and fro... and i shouted with my mini loud hailer non-stop...
He carried and quietly followed...
They stopped, she sang and they praised...
They sms-ed...
That was how it worked...
Believe it or not, I think it was quite a success...
And I think being confident is important...
if i wasnt confident, i wouldnt be able to promote Miaoru...
if she wasnt confident, she wouldnt be able sing well to win the votes from those stopped-by-listeners...
300+ flyers given out to music-lovers and stopped-by-listeners...
Dozens of compliments about Miaoru's singing and dozens of sms-voting by these complete strangers...
Hope that this outdoors promotion not only increased abit of your popularity, but also increased your confidence and belief in your abilities...
Thanks to all who had turned up @ Orchard to support/help the event.
Monday, 22 June 2009
Mystery Box
Its a fun little box...
Brings laughter, joy and happiness...
Even provides solution when you need help...
It teleports people from place to place...
Accompanies you whenever you need company...
But what do you know of the inside of this box?
so dark till you dont know the depth of the little box...
so dark that it is beyond imagination...
it has a very very deep depth that doesnt match outlook of a small little box...
who will know when this box is damaged and need help?
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Random of Randoms
The time now is 4:30am, date is 20 June 2009. Not emo but just words I wanna say but dont know where to let out... not to people, not here either... Think this is the best time to write songs, and my feelings will be well disguised... Im feeling like im running out of time... trying to make the best out of my life now, in case i make a leave... dont be mistaken, its not a negative thought or death note... i just wanna contribute my all, my everything... doubt i will be as hardworking for myself... im just so irritating, im irritated by myself... haha... its just Collin... Im just so afraid that i'll be forgotten easily... attention seeking you may say...
there are thousands and millions of words i wanna say..... but me being me, it will be bottled within me... <-- rhythms... haha... people around me kept telling me i look tired... do i? i dont know... im not doing alot to be tired anyway... dont deserved to be tired... need to work even harder...
Recently, I've got an encounter with some people's god (by the way, so far...i am myself's god cos everythings' in my own hands).. Miss S. was telling me to give myself a chance to experience god... for the reason being i've been there long ago for quite awhile and i've been to church so many times over the past decade.. also, isnt it a coincident for me to be surrounded by so many believers from the same church... What she say isnt wrong, to be i thought its more like their church is huge, throw a stone and i'll hit someone fr that church.. haha... but seriously i gave it a serious thought, and wanna know why people convert and start to believe... Miss S reasons were more on finding the truth behind creation, solving her questions abt how things are created, how come there's such a good balance of most elements... hmm thats not the kind of reason i looking for... so i asked Miss Roo.. hers was more to make herself a better person and there were and are positive changes in her life... she said something about believing everything that happens is the work of god...god is always watching over us...believe and you will experience god... guess what... after the conversation with Miss Roo, the next day, suddenly in the morning a fren asked me to prepare some protection policies for his mum... i was like wow...once in a blue moon, people automatically call me to sell insurance to them lor.. lol... my worries for sales was answered... that moment i chose to believe it was the work of god and i think i experienced his presence... im not sure whether what i will do next... maybe let things go naturally by its course ba...
i am some damn random... hmmm.... ok im feeling better cos i diverted my thoughts to writing that paragraph above... haha... VOTE FOR MIAORU ok? random~ haha if this campaign is successful, our dear Miaoru will have a better start in her singing career...and i might end up getting invitations to manage campaigns, becoming the jin pai(golden) Manager~ lol... not a bad sideline business... i am random and siao... thats all for tonite.... time now is 5:03am... need to catch some sleep... i am feeling sick soon... bye~
Thursday, 18 June 2009
《超级星光大道5 - 新加坡踢馆代表征选赛》
After auditions and semi-finals, the organisers and judges selected the Top 20. Among them are familiar faces from Project Superstar, Superband, Campus Superstar, S'pore Idol. And also among the 20 finalists, is Kueo Miaoru 魏妙如, she is one good singer you must listen and vote for to be one of the three Singapore's PK representatives...

SMS her contestant number 'S9' to 97171003
Normal SMS charges, No extra charges
Visit http://onemillionstar.starhub.com/vote.php
remember to enter your email address before clicking on her photo to vote
I am her official Promotions and Support Campaign's Manager!! I am going to make sure her popularity increase within this 1 and half weeks, with the efforts of her friends, Xueling Laoshi and a group of VS graduates! We will be creating the best cheering and support on the actual day, 28th June @ Kallang Leisure Park! Support her ok! She will be on-air @ 1003FM again on 24th June(*subjected to changes), 9pm onwards, to sing and be interviewed by DJ Ken.
her performance @ Love The World Bistro(S'pore Flyer) for your reference.
Friday, 29 May 2009
Performances Updates
Went for briefing and realised I overlooked 2 dates which i missed out... I was doing my usual reflections in car yesterday... thinking back these past 3 months... the performances and friendships... i was smiling with a pinched-feel in my heart... really felt the impact of this course... i really appreciate the opportunities, i may not be the ones contending for the few positions for the company to groom, but i am already contented... if these following events were to happen smooth and successfully, at least in my memories I know i was a performer before... It can be quite time consuming, tired and tedious to rehearse here and there, look for songs to sing, work with different people and getting the lectures for the instructors, but after i performed, and looked back i feel the satisfaction... no more singing in KTV only entertaining friends and 2nd/3rd degree friends... I hope I can get some sort of support from you(my friends and friends' friends :D) in the coming performances... these performances are chances to build my 'fan' base... i understand there's alot of good singers/performers out there, and i am definitely not the best of even the elites... i am performing to entertain you, and people who bother to stop by and listen to my singing; not to compete and compare... will update again if there's any changes to the details... :)
14 June 2009: Location - Singapore Flyer Level 2, Love The World Bistro; Time - 6pm; 1-2 song(s)
27 & 28 June 2009: Location - Tampines Mall, Level 4 Open Plaza; Time - 2 to 6pm; Event - Singout09 Semi-finals; Hosting
5 July 2009: Location - Singapore Flyer Level 2, Love The World Bistro; Time - 6pm; 1 - 2 song(s)
12 July 2009: Location - Singapore Flyer Level 2, Love The World Bistro; Time - 5pm; 1-2 song(s)
17 July 2009: Location - Depot Shopping Centre, Depot Road; Time - 6 to 8pm; Event - HDB Heartland Event; Solo singing (4 songs>2Mandarin2English)
18 July 2009: Location - Taman Jurong Shopping Centre, Blk 399 Yung Sheng Road; Time - 6 to 8pm; Event - HDB Heartland Event; Solo singing (4 songs>2 mandarin 2english)
24 July 2009: Location - Pioneer Mall, Blk 638 Jurong West St 61; Time - 6 to 8pm; Event - HDB Heartland Event; Solo singing (4 songs>2 mandarin 2english)
25 July 2009: Location - Tampines Central Community Complex, Blk 866A Tampines St 83; Time - 6 to 8pm; Event - HDB Heartland Event; Solo singing (4 songs>2 mandarin 2english)
8 August 2009: Location - DBS Auditorium; Time - TBC; Event - Singout09 Final; Hosting
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
i.Drive & Protect
Tired of waiting for cab, and paying the high prices?
Wanna go shopping, but nobody is there to help?
Wanna go to inaccessible places for a special date but is always inconvenient?
Simply need a lift to beat the Queue?
I am serious about these services. Very often I hear people complaining abt their cab fare, some people's daily cab fare can be as high as $80 - $100. And the queue during peak hours are crazy... Most of all, for those who has been enduring taxi-uncles ranting and nonsenses; having me as your chauffeur is definitely more ideal.
Whole Day Booking (10hours): $80
Any additional hours thereafter: $8/hour
Any distance > 100km, will be charged @ $1.70/km *subjected to prevailing fuel price
Charges exclude parking fee & entry fees to sentosa (if applicable)
Half Day Booking (5hours): $45
Addtional hours thereafter: $9/hour
Any distance >50km, will be charged @ $1.70/km *subjected to prevailing fuel price
Charges exclude parking fee & entry fee to sentosa (if applicable)
Pick & Go
10km: $15 / 15km: $20 / 20km: $25 / 25km: $30 / 30km: $35 / 35km: $40 / 40km: $45 / 45km: $50
(X km + 5 = $Price)
Charges exclude parking fee, ERP & entry fee to sentosa (if applicable)
Special Drive (only for whole day booking)
Vehicle Rental Cost + Whole Day Book Charges + any unforeseen cost
The above services are provided for friends and members only, email your request to collin.chan@ymail.com together with your contact number and name to become a member. I will then release my mobile number for your booking convenience.
For Whole Day Booking & Half Day Booking, you are adviced to give at least 48hours notice.
For Special Drive, you are adviced to give at least 1 week notice to ensure smooth reservation procedure for the vehicle of your choice.
For Pick & Go, you are adviced to give 1.5hours of notice via my mobile number.
All services listed (excluding Special Drive), will be chauffeured by me in my 07' Toyota Vios FL. The vehicle will at all time be well-maintained and for your comfort. All services are only available in Singapore. Regulars will enjoy a 10% discount. Refer a client to me and enjoy 10% discount on your next booking. I promise to drive at your comfort and abid safety regulations however, I will not be held responsible for any injuries, accidents and unforseen mishaps.
Protect yourself and Loved ones
I am actively helping friends and public to upgrade their CPF Medishield plan to a 100% coverage hospitalisation plan. Trust me, its essential nowadays and most of all, there's no cash involved for certain level of coverage. Start early to avoid exclusion of conditions and future complications.
I can't say anymore due to compliance regulations, hence contact me for more details.
Thursday, 21 May 2009
The school is giving some of us quite a few opportunities to perform outside recently, really appreciate it...Suddenly feeling like a performer these days... Signing a performing contract (till end of year) with school soon... Furthermore, will continue hosting for Singout09 till finals...
I will be having a series of performance in these coming months... i hope you guys can show me some support especially for the singing ones... cos due to organisers' request, i might not be singing songs i want to sing, if support is there, will help me feel better... :)
22 May 2009: Location - Ngee Ann City, Civic Plaza; Time - 8pm onwards; Event - Female & NuYou Magazine; Group(2) singing of 'Zi You - Zhang Zheng Yue', 'Gai Bian Zi Ji - Wang Lee Hong' and OB Theme song
7 June 2009: Location - Tampines Mall, Level 4 Open Plaza; Time - 2 to 4pm; Event - Singout09 Party cum MS talent showcase; Hosting (KIV)
14 June 2009: Location - Singapore Flyer Level 2, Love The World Bistro; Time - TBC, probably be evening; Band Singing
21 June 2009: Location - Singapore Flyer Level 2, Love The World Bistro; Time - TBC, probably be evening; Band Singing
27 & 28 June 2009: Location - Tampines Mall, Level 4 Open Plaza; Time - TBC; Event - Singout09 Semi-finals; Hosting
12 July 2009: Location - Singapore Flyer Level 2, Love The World Bistro; Time - TBC, probably be evening; Band Singing
17 July 2009: Location - Woodlands Mart, Blk 768 Woodlands Ave 6; Time - 6 to 8pm; Event - HDB Heartland Event; Solo singing (4 songs>2Mandarin2English)
19 July 2009: Location - Singapore Flyer Level 2, Love The World Bistro; Time - TBC, probably be evening; Band Singing
24 July 2009: Location - Pioneer Mall, Blk 638 Jurong West St 61; Time - 6 to 8pm; Event - HDB Heartland Event; Solo singing (4 songs>2 mandarin 2english)
Thursday, 14 May 2009
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12...
i used to think that only the night/early morning are the loneliest hours.... I told myself to avoid these hours... sleep early and i won't have the chance to fall into the lonely trap...
I forced myself to sleep and sleep and sleep... thoughts just won't let me off even during sleep... i dreamt and dreamt and dreamt...
This morning, i was on the way for a course at suntec... along the way, was an unexpected heavy traffic, i was late, hence i decided to go for the afternoon slot... i didnt know where to go... drove and drove and ended up at orchard... i didnt know what i could do but to walk and walk... i was tired, more of mentally... sat down, took a puff (yes, i smoked...) looked at people walking left to right right to left...i took another puff...mind was still running wildy...for the first time, i realised even the daytime can be so lonely...i think im more of lost... lost of my life direction... i am really a typical capricorn...if i dont tell, dont show...no one will know what i'm thinking... i can like the world's most carefree person, but can also be the world most troubled soul in this hour...
I decided to walk again... i walked past a musician playing er-hu with background music... a very sad emo piece he played... i was affected... he was like the most understanding person that moment, because his music was like a reflection of my feeling... i walked past him and i turned around walked back to him, dropped $2... he said thank you... i thanked him too...
up till this moment i am still alone... actually i am okay to be alone, in fact i enjoy being alone...but when you are lost... you just constantly hoped that someone will help you out of it...
25 years of my life, i've been pursuing happiness, success, love... but when i'm most down... the things i get from my family are anger, and unhappiness... i only wished my mum could give me a hug and give me support and not getting angry over me... some people like to compare, but i dont like to... cos i know i am feeling bad enough to think i am not happy.... boss dont keep thinking that i am negative, dont think that i should be like others.... the fact is when i was slogging my ass contributing my sales to your team, your team wasn't working... now that they are 'working' means i am not? i dont need those motivational course... cos i've been thru' enough of those... and ultimately, things are in our hands... i know i have to control myself and i do have control over myself... by assuming and presuming things about me, makes me sick of working under you and with the team... look at how you guys reacted on one of the colleagues personal problems... he might have broken a law, but that doesnt mean you guys have to see him like an alien... is that just how i was 'treated' when you guys think i am weird and 'uncoachable'?
whatever it is... time is constantly ticking...so cruelly moving on... i feel.... and great, miss jaymee just called while im writing this...and yes i wasnt friendly and sounded rude... ok... the whole world hates me... i am a weirdo... its a fact...fuck my life...fuck the time, can someone take the batteries of the clock...fuck!
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Blurry - Puddle of Mud
Blurry - Puddle of Mud
Everything's so blurry
And everyone's so fake
And everybody's empty
And everything is so messed up
Pre-occupied without you I cannot live at all
My whole world surrounds you
I Stumble then I crawl
You could be my someone
You could be my scene
You know that I'll protect you
From all of the obscene
I wonder what you're doing
Imagine where you are
There's oceans in between us
But that's not very far
Can you take it all away?
Can you take it all away?
When you shoved it in my face
This pain you gave to me
Can you take it all away?
Can you take it all away?
Well you shoved it in my face
Everyone is changing
There's no one left that's real
So make up your own ending
And let me know just how you feel
'Cause I am lost without you I cannot live at all
My whole world surrounds you
I Stumble then I crawl
You could be my someone
You could be my scene
Know that I will save you
From all of the unclean
I wonder what you're doing
I wonder where you are
There's oceans in between us
But that's not very far
Can you take it all away?
Can you take it all away?
When you shoved it in my face
This pain you gave to me
Can you take it all away?
Can you take it all away?
Well, you shoved it in my face
This pain you gave to me
Nobody told me what you thought
Nobody told me what to say
Everyone showed you where to turn
Told you where to run away
Nobody told you where to hide
Nobody told you what to say
Everyone showed you where to turn
Showed you when to run away
Can you take it all away?
Can you take it all away?
Well you shoved it in my face
This pain you gave to me
Can you take it all away?
Can you take it all away?
Well you shoved it in my face
This pain you gave to me
This pain you gave to me
This pain you gave to me
Take it all away
Take it all away
This pain you gave to me
This pain you gave to me
Take it all away
This pain you gave to me
Sunday, 12 April 2009
My 'Virgin' Hosting Experience
Went practicing in the afternoon for monday's major project for the singers' course.. drive here drive there, buy lunch and finally our class combined our powers @ weiyin's house... It was raining heavily, made everything feel so inconvenient... we managed to put the bits and pieces together, and i am happy to see that we are united as one... working very hard together for monday's performance...
After running thru once, i had to leave for hosting as i was going to be late...sky was still dark, rain hasnt stop, traffic would sure be bad... as predicted, i had to detour and travel slightly more to avoids the jams.. i arrival late, and our chairwoman, Jasmine... "kuai qu kuai qu zhao Khim (my co-host)..." :) Jasmine is incredibility good at control and management... Haha.. When she starts her complaining session during debrief, you better had done a good job earlier if not... hahaha.... fierce one lor... lol... anyway i found Khim (the 1st batch campus superstar 'powerhouse') at the cosy corner eating Lay's Chip... discussed about the flow, pre-arranged some jokes and we went up to the cosy little dance studio (wet weather location) and standby for the competition...
I must say me and Khim can work quite well together... she is very accomodating and experienced... i was like the talking kite...talk and fly, talk and fly... and she will hold the string and pull me back.. At one point, i kept talking about 1st time (virgin) experience, and went abit dirty... even the judges were firing me... haha... love the chemistry, like the tv shows... there was one moment i went blank, no vocab to use... lol... and i dig at myself to move on... Super big clown on stage... along the way while contestants sang, Miss Khim continued munching her Lay's Chips, and occasionally we discussed about the contestants... I was also doing my little judging by the side, writing comments on my name list....anyway, the whole flow was ok, just a blink of eye and we are done.... The judges praised the hosts... haha... Khim~ ^5! kekez.. Im looking forward to the next QF, next Saturday, feel free to pop by for music and my crappy hosting @ 76 Neil Road, 7pm onwards.. hopefully its a clear sky and we can set up at the courtyard (bigger) instead...
To the contestants, i know its almost impossible for u guys to read this, but i must say it was a tough decision for the judges... I personally will choose Apple, Yong Kwang, Mireen, Natri, Jayden (Adult Cat.), Mr Justin and Mr Choo (Open Cat.) to enter semi, and Lucius, Daniel, Wayne into revival round. However, sometimes life is just like this, you lose some you win some... Congrats to everyone, cos everyone is a winner, all of us took home some thing... be it advice, experience or actual chance to advance....
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Who will help me?
Recently, a friend of mine is facing financial difficulties suddenly... Didn't expect the word bankrupt to be associated with this person... I was talking to this person whole night, got to know some of his plans and some of his unhappy encounters...
This person might be facing bankruptcy, and will be forced to leave current position due to the status. Imagine a career of 13 years, gone in a wind just because of business failure... And worse, is that this situation showed how sincere these so call buddies and friends are in crisis... I'm refering to those who obvious can provide a helping hand, e.g millionaire... The person's direct boss also a 'friend', who is a millionaire replied "i'm also very tight, my advice is you better quit before you go bankrupt" When i heard this, i went into F* mood... for your info, i know the millionaire too... I cant imagine someone like my friend who have been serving and fighting with this boss for 13 years, contributing the millions of dollars of assets and networth, receive such treatment... its just a $150k, and my friend is willing to pay up by instalment...
I was thinking and reflecting about myself, wondering who will appear and come to my aid if one day i need serious help, might not be financial but something else... seriously wondering....
I was sharing my idealogy of win-win situation with my singing class classmates...maybe i'm too much of a perfectionist...but i do understand that the reality is cruel and brutal...i cant always play the game like a i want to if no one wants to co-operate... i am too kind to be a business person, too kind to be a so call 'insurance agent'... a teacher who heard me sharing my ideas told me i'm not suitable to be in the entertainment industry, but i beg to differ... i may be idealistic, but i'm already in a business thats fighting for survival... my intention in every appointment is to make a difference in people lives and make a difference in my service VS the others... using my small little effort to change... similarly, it just need someone to step out to make changes in the entertainment industry to make small accumulatively positive changes...no matter where i go, i will try to influence with whatever i can...